Citez: "Sundiata Keita or Sundjata Keyita or Mari Djata I (c. 1217 - c. 1255) was the founder of the Mali Empire and celebrated as a hero of the Malinke people people of West Africa in the semi-historical Epic of Sundiata.Sundiata was the son of Nare and Sogolon Conde. Growing up, the Mandinkas were conquered by king Sumanguru Kante of the Ghanaian kingdom. He devoted his life to building an army to overthrow the king and liberating his homeland.
When he was older and had a strong army, Sundiata did overthrow the king and became king of the Mali Empire. He understood that if he were to have a kingdom, he'd need it to be prosperous as to keep strong. He had crops such as beans and rice, grown and soon introduced cotton. With the crops selling, the Mali Empire became very wealthy.
Sundiata supported religion and soon took the title Mansa. After he died, many rulers also took the title mansa, to show their role and authority in society."
Si o faza funny:
Regelui Mandikei, care cica era frumos de picau frunzele dupa el, i se prezisese sa se insoare cu una urata care insa ii va darui un fiu ce va fi un mare si renumit rege. Asta, care era deja insurat si avea si un copil... incepe sa sune a telenovea :P, intalneste o femeie urata care in plus se mai cheama si Sologon saracuta... si ghici, o ia de nevasta! Curioasa mintea barbatului, zau! Anyway, in copilarie fiul lor nu e in stare sa mearga dar regele crede in continuare ca el e cel ales... hm, autoindeplinirea profetiilor??
Bun... moare primul fiu, prima sotie ia conducerea (a,da, murise regele!)si ii izgoneste pe printisorul destinat tronului si muma lui. (pentru precizie a se consulta wikipedia)
Un zgriptuzoic (rege in Sosso :)) ataca regatul, distruge tot poporu' si orezu'... acum intra in scena Sundiata si impinge inamicii in munti. Mali ii da numele de "Mansa" = "king of kings". Dragut,nu?
Caut cateva poze din Mali dar sa dau si site-ul formatiei Sundyata, care cica vor sa faca un concert in Romania!
1 commentaire:
esti boss, sis!
gabarit, ai?
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